To build disciples who represent Jesus to everyone, everywhere, with everything.

As we build whole-of-life disciples, together we will see
Gathered Church Impact
Thriving in groups gathered around Jesus
A church thriving in groups gathered around Jesus. A church whose head is Jesus, and whose help is the Holy Spirit. A church that reveals Jesus better together to the world than alone. A church that gathers in life groups and Sunday celebrations experiencing life transformation through the uncompromising truth of God’s Word, their encounters with the Holy Spirit and the tangible love of Jesus through one another. A church that encounters more of Jesus together than alone.
Everyday Impact
Representing Jesus in our everyday moments
A church that believes Christ wants to be in everyone, everywhere and in everything. A church where people are freed from the disease of ME and everyday life becomes opportunities to represent Jesus – where mistakes become opportunities to model Christ-like humility, promotion to model Christ-like servanthood, work to contribute to society, family to pass the baton of faith to the next generation, hobbies to build relationships with those far from Jesus, money to bless and serve those in need. People who are discipled in the every day and people who make disciples in the everyday moments.
Local Impact
Walking alongside stakeholders to transform Clayton
A church that embraces the community of Clayton as our own. We see ourselves becoming a people that walk alongside the community leaders, seeking to make the city better together. A people through whom acceptance is given, hope is re-birthed, restoration discovered and Christ is found. A people who embrace our unique calling to be His light in the most multicultural suburb in one of the most multicultural nations. A people where Jesus has broken down our walls of prejudice so we can build a diverse, multicultural and united church that reflects our community.
Global Impact
Reaching the unreached people groups
A church that welcomes and makes a home for international students, to disciple and send them back globally with a commitment and vision of the Great Commission. A church that focuses on global mission partnerships that empower a disciple-making movement globally among the unreached people groups
Pioneering Impact
Pioneering new spheres and frontiers for God’s Kingdom
A church whose focus is in making disciples that multiply. A church where leaders equip and members are empowered to change lives by making disciples of Jesus. A church that is committed to multiplying leaders who can birth vision, with the boldness and courage to lead a disciple-making movement in different spheres of influence.
Organisational Impact
Providing strong governance and effective operational support
A church that builds adaptability in its governance & operations to enable and empower the fulfilment of the vision. A church that is above reproach, that faithfully stewards its resources and cultivates healthy accountability & empowerment of its people
Disciple-Making Values
Groups & Gatherings
Jesus is experienced and revealed more when we are together than alone.
Healthy disciples reproduce disciples.
Actively Hearing & Obeying
Through hearing and obeying the Living Word, we work with God to see change in us and others.
Jesus connected with God and those near and far from God.
Everyday Moments
The Holy Spirit uses everyday moments to shape us to become more like Jesus.