Striving or Promise

by Pastor Greg CRAANEN | But God

SOAR Discussion Questions  |  31 March 2019

But God

One of the most powerful two-word phrases in the Bible is ‘but, God’. This small two-word phrase allows God to change the trajectory of our life. Too many times we look at things through our own eyes and understanding. ‘But God’ tells us to look at things as God sees it. “But, God” stands totally opposed to the negative roar of the world. The world says no — “But, God” says yes! The world says can’t — “But, God” says can! “But, God” is courageous, confident and conclusive! No matter what the situation, no matter what the problem, no matter how bad it may be, “but God” can make it better! “But God” changes everything.


Read Genesis 17:15-22



– What do these passages tell us about God? 
– What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
– What did you like about this passage? 
– What was it about this passage that made you uncomfortable? 


Abraham and Sarah were promised the blessing of a child.  They had to wait 25 years before Isaac was born! This raises the question of how do we continue to have faith in a God whose promise tarries too long?  Often we are tempted to help God along.  Many of us build our lives by our self-effort and self-determination but God calls us to live by faith and to trust His promises. God wants us to go from striving in our own strength and understanding to trusting and resting in Him and His promises – to move from striving to promise.

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. Abraham and Sarah were impatient waiting on God to fulfil His promises so they took matters into their own hands (Genesis 17:18).  Share a time when you were striving to help God with His plans.  How long have you waited and how has it affected your relationship with God or your faith in Him?What lessons did you learn?
  2. What does it mean to you that God is El Shaddai (Genesis 17:1-2) – all-powerful and all sufficient? Describe a time that this attribute of God was experienced in your life.
  3. ‘We need to take our focus off the promises of God and onto the God of the promises.’ (Genesis 15:5-6; Hebrews 11:8-12)  Share a time when you were consumed with issues in your life and unable to see God’s hand in it.  How did you get through it?  What is one way in the future that you can keep your eyes upon God even in the midst of the stresses of life?
  4. What areas in your life do you think that God is on the throne?  How can you tell?  What behaviours show this?
  5. Name one area that you know God is not on the throne.  How can you tell?  What behaviours show this?  (If you have trouble answering this question then get feedback from your spouse or friend J).  What is a next step you can take to help put God on the throne in this area?


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  • Is there someone you can share this message with?
  • What is one thing you can do this week in obedience? (I will…)