for those in need
Love Loud – Sow A Seed is an initiative of Clayton Church of Christ that first started in June 2020 to practically and financially help those who may have been impacted by the effects of COVID-19 to get back on their feet.
The idea behind this initiative was to increase our giving by donating an extra $2 a week to ’sow a seed’ into somebody else’s life and give a helping hand. Together with our church of 500, this could amount to $1000 a week. By the end of 2020, this could amount to $26,000 that we could use to bless multiple families and individuals who needed it most.
A laptop or driving lessons could allow someone to find a job again, a new washing machine could make a big difference in a single mother’s life, text books or a bicycle could really help a student out.
Since then, Love Loud – Sow A Seed has grown and expanded to not only helping those impacted by the effects of COVID -19 but also to those struggling financially, mentally, physically, displaced or in crisis to get back on their feet.
To-date we have fundraised close to $100,000 through our church congregation and the public and helped more than 40 families.
(Note: Our Love Loud initiatives are supported by our church congregation and the public. Up to 10% of the designated giving to ’Sow A Seed’ and ‘Love Loud Meals’ funds goes to support the initiative’s operating expenses).
There are 3 ways you can get involved:
1. Donate
Special Needs for Displaced Ukrainian Families
Since 2022, our church has opened its doors and welcomed a number of displaced Ukrainian families who have fled the war to Melbourne. As these families come with little more than a suitcase, there are many things our community can help with or donate.
1. Need assistance or know of someone needing assistance?
To be eligible for Love Loud – Sow A Seed you must:
- live in Melbourne, Victoria,
- have a healthcare or pension card,
- earn under $45,000 ($65,000 for couples/families).
There are no credit checks.
We reserve the right to exempt/include applications on a case-by-case basis. All requests will be genuinely considered, assessed on an individual basis, and subject to availability of resources.
Do you have a question about Sow A Seed?
3. Volunteer
- Connect and journey with individuals or families
- Admin Support
- Transportation or moving services
Thank you for your generosity and heart to give towards our church’s Love Loud initiative, Sow a Seed
There are two ways to give:

Tithe.ly App
- Download and open the Tithe.ly app on your phone or device.
2. Set up your account and payment details.
3. Search for ‘Church of Christ Clayton Fellowship Inc’ when finding the nearest church.
4. Enter the amount you wish to give. If you are able, you are welcome to give more than $2 a week!
5. Choose the ‘sow-a-seed campaign’ giving type in the drop-down menu.
6. Select ‘reoccurring giving’ if you wish to give weekly.
7. Click on the ‘cover fees’ option (to cover the card processing fee so that the full amount can go towards those in need)
A receipt will be automatically emailed to you.
If you’re having issues giving through Tithe.ly, make sure you’ve set up your payment method by adding your credit card or bank account details correctly. Apple or Google pay may not be functional until this step has been completed.

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
BSB: 013268
Account Number: 259207959
Reference: ‘sow a seed’
You may wish to set up regular payments via your online banking portal at the frequency of your choice. If you are able, you are welcome to give more than $2 a week!
It is important to note that these donations are not tax-deductible and that if you are donating via EFT a receipt will not be issued.
Fill in the form and click submit
Special Needs for Displaced Ukrainian Families
Since 2022, our church has opened its doors and welcomed a number of displaced Ukrainian families who have fled the war to Melbourne. As these families come with little more than a suitcase, there are many things our community can help with or donate.
1. Prayer
- Especially for the reunion of other family members
- For our Lord to comfort them through this difficult time, especially the trauma they have faced, having to flee their country.
- For their children to settle into local schools and start to learn the language, so they can be given every opportunity in the academic arena.
2. Practical Needs
- Job Opportunities – Quite a few of them are qualified, but are not able to work in their field because their qualifications are not accepted in Australia. If you know of or are able to offer job opportunities, this would be a great help.
- Housing – Many arrive here with no rental history and are unable to find accomodation. Affordable, temporary or long-term housing is a big need as families continue to arrive.
- Furniture, White Goods & Kitchen Appliances
- Removalists – To help pick up and deliver furniture and other household goods.
- Vehicles – If you have a spare car to give or lend to a Ukrainian family, this will be a real blessing to help them get around.
- English Learning – Help connect them to Clayton Church’s Encounter English Learning classes. The Zoom class on Wednesdays from 1:30 – 3:30 pm is especially for Displaced Ukrainians.
3. Community
- A friendly face and loving community of God’s people is critical for their settlement. Why not reach out and invite them over for a meal and see how you can be a friend?
Want to know more about how you can help?