Self Awareness

by Chee-Seng FAH | Relationships - It's Me, Not You

Discussion Questions  |  2 August 2020

Scripture / Discussion Questions


New Series – It’s Not You. It’s Me.

We have all been cooped up for what seems like forever. What has all this social distancing done for your relationships? Has it made things a little tense? Maybe things have never been better? No matter your current status, it’s become clearer to all of us that relationships are important and God calls us not just to healthy relationships, but to be holy in our relationships. Through this series, we will look at how our faith shapes who we are, how communicate, resolve conflict, forgive and set boundaries in our relationships.


Self-awareness is an important ingredient in all our relationships, but the reality is that we all have blind spots in our life. People with good self-awareness, recognise their blind spots and how they could be contributing to the difficulties in their relationships. David was a man after God’s own heart, but he had blind spots in his life that hurt people around him. However, David had a heart that allowed God to help become self-aware. Ps Chee share things from Psalm 139 about David’s heart that we can learn to cultivate self-awareness:


1. The Willingness to Face Yourself – a root issue of self-awareness is people aren’t willing to face themselves.


2. The Humility to Be Searched by God – God knows you better than you know yourself. Invite the ALL-seeing God to SEE in you.


3. The Responsibility to Change – self-awareness is a step towards Christ like transformation,


Read 139. Discuss one or more of the following questions:


1. Listening to this week’s sermon:
a) how did God speak to you
b) why was that significant for you?
c) what practical implication does it have on you and your relationships?


2. Share with one another your experience of people with little self-awareness. How did it affect your relationship? Why do you think the person had little self-awareness?


3. Share with one another a blind spot you had that was impacting your relationships. How did God help bring that self-awareness to you? How did your self awareness impact your relationships?


4. Read Matthew 7:1-5. How does this passage speak to our self-awareness and its impact in how we see other people?


5. David was willing to face the good and bad parts of himself (Psalm 139:23-24) and invited God to search his heart. Ps Chee shared that a root issue isn’t that people can’t hear the issue, it’s because they are unwilling to face themselves. Do you think that’s true? Why? Discuss.


6. Many people try to ‘find themselves’ apart from God, but David discovered himself by humbling himself to be searched by God. What is the difference between biblical and worldly self-awareness?


7. Ps Chee shared some practical things we could do to be searched by God.


– The Word of God – self reflect on your life through relevant passages

– Journaling – write your thoughts and emotions. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal patterns in your life.

– Reflect on your words – read Matthew 12:34. What does your words say about what is in your heart?

– Listen to a loving critic – ask if there is an area in your life that they have been trying to help you become aware of, but they feel like you haven’t been able to hear it?


Share with one another if you’ve experienced God search you and bring self-awareness through one of these ways.


8. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest tool of self-awareness because it helps us see who we are without God and who we can become because of God. Share how this is true in your personal life