Decision Making and the Will of God
Life is a series of choices and decisions. Some are tiny, some are huge with consequences that range from utterly inconsequential to life-changing. Every day we make decisions that can greatly impact our lives, the lives of others and the kingdom of God. As disciples of Jesus, we try to discern God’s guidance and will in our decision making. This is easier to discern when the Bible makes it clear, but there are many decisions in our life that the Bible does not speak to and we are left uncertain. Through this series, we will explore how we can make decisions into the will of God when we don’t know what it is. Come journey with us through this 4-week series through the book of Ruth.
Decision Making and the Will of God
Pastor Chee Seng Fah | Sunday 19 May 2019
Naomi – A Selfless Decision Maker
Pastor Chee Seng Fah | Sunday 26 May 2019
Ruth – A Righteous Decision Maker
Pastor Chee Seng Fah | Sunday 2 June 2019
Boaz – A Redemptive Decision Maker
Pastor Chee Seng Fah | Sunday 9 June 2019