Sometimes it can feel as though who you are is just a sum of things that have happened to you, but there is no randomness in your personality, gifts, passions, or even the life experiences you’ve had. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and He knows you intimately.
Part of discovering how we fit into the bigger picture is recognising how each of us are made in His image, for His purposes, equipped with His gifts, and using them for His service. In this way, we can partner with God in what He is doing in the world. As we allow Jesus to rule our lives, He changes our lives, and as we allow Jesus to rule our lives, He uses our lives for His purposes.
Over the next few weeks, we will be taking a deeper look at how each of us have been made so that you, as disciples, can be mobilised to serve where you truly ‘fit’. For some, this process may bring relief to the frustration you may feel towards the work you’re doing or the ministry that’s making you tired. For others it will be affirming to know that you’re exactly where you need to be in the body of Christ. You were made for His purpose and to reflect His image to everyone, everywhere with everything.
Made in His Image
Sunday 8 March 2020 | Pastor Greg CRAANEN
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