Global Impact

Our global vision is to see indigenous disciple-making movements among unreached people groups.

An unreached people group, as defined by the Joshua Project, is ‘a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelise this people group without outside assistance’.

There are seven specific criteria that distinguish one people group from another: language, culture, geography, religion, ethnicity, self-identity, and socioeconomic status. A people group is considered ‘unreached’ or ‘least-reached’ when there are less than or equal to 2% Evangelical Christians and less than or equal to 5% Professing Christians.

As a church, we recognise that there are unreached peoples both in their home countries and through their diaspora in many parts of the world.

Through the alignment of vision and resources, Clayton Church of Christ currently engages in Global Mission towards reaching the unreached through Global Workers in Cambodia, South East Asia and Australia, Global Partners in South Asia, as well as Diaspora work in Australia among the Japanese and International Students.