A New Plan

by Sheron WONG | The New Normal

Discussion Questions  |  21 June 2020

Scripture / Discussion Questions


As we’ve quickly learnt over the last few months, none of us can be sure of what the future holds. Proverbs 27:1 tells us, ‘Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring’. So how do we move forward and plan for our futures in these uncertain times?

Proverbs talks a lot about planning, and that it’s ultimately good and important to plan ahead. But instead of making lots of inflexible plans and asking God to bless them and make them work, we actually find a lot of timeless wisdom in the book of Proverbs which transforms the way we make plans as Christians:

1. Planning with Palms Up (Proverbs 16:9, 16:33)

Proverbs tells us: we’re responsible for making godly plans, but God is the one in control. Part of planning with palms up is learning to let go of control, and allowing God to determine our steps and make our paths straight.

2. Planning with Purpose (Proverbs 21:20, 11:27-28, Matt 6:33)

As Christians, our plans can no longer revolve around us and our selfish desires. We must plan with Kingdom purpose in mind and align our plans with God’s overarching mission: to draw people into relationship with himself, and to be witnesses of His coming Kingdom.

3. Planning with Perspective (Proverbs 12:15, 15:22, Psalm 10:4)

We all have blind spots, and Proverbs tells us it’s foolish to plan without seeking God, seeking advice, and listening to godly counsel. We must take stock of where we are and gain different perspectives.


Read 1 Proverbs 1:7

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. In general, do you prefer to make plans, or do you prefer to go with the flow? In which areas of your life do you do this and what are your reasons?
  2. When plans change or don’t work out, how do you usually respond? Can you think of a time when this has happened and share how this made you feel
  3. Proverbs tells us that we are responsible for making plans, but God is the one in control. How does this challenge the way you think about plans? Do you need to intentionally plan more? Or let go a bit and plan a bit less?
  4. What do you think it means to plan with Kingdom purpose? What could this look like in one area of your life right now?
  5. Proverbs talks a lot about seeking godly advice and counsel in the process of planning. Do you have a habit of involving God and others in your process of planning? Why or why not?
  6. What is one thing God is asking you to put into action this week?