Money Is Justice

by Tim WONG | Money Is Important

Discussion Questions  |  26 July 2020

Scripture / Discussion Questions


In today’s COVID-19 world, two topics dominate the global conversation. The impact of the pandemic on our health and our economy. It is especially evident today that the world we live in is an economic one which not only affects the running of our country, but also affects the running of our families and home. Every day we are confronted with economic stresses and vulnerabilities, and the economic well-being of our people and country is intricately connected with human flourishing. This series will explore how money is important because the gospel speaks to the economic world we live, play and work in.

Free online financial course and webinars with Alex Cook (Wealth with Purpose)
Register for a free financial online course that helps you with your personal finances, and two webinars with Alex Cook on Sunday 19th and 26th July 2020


In Acts 4:32-35, we are given a power vision of how God can use our collective resources and together we can help human flourishing through seeking the economic well-being of one another. It’s a picture of how money is a powerful tool God uses in your life to help you fulfil the Great Commandment by loving God through loving your neighbour. It’s a vision of the people of God were one heart and mind about Jesus and His rule over their money and resources. Ps Chee shared three things we need to cultivate to become this kind of community:


1. A United Bottom Line – loving God by loving your neighbour

2. The Practice of Mutual Stewardship – diligent with much and diligent with little

3. The Practice of Mutual Generosity – compassion with financial capacity


Read Acts 4:32-35. Discuss one or more of the following questions:

1. Listening to this week’s sermon:
a) how did God speak to you
b) why was that significant for you?
c) what practical implication does that have on the way you manage your money?

2. The early church had a united bottom line of loving God by loving their neighbour. We love our neighbour by WHO we use our money for, and HOW we exercise our financial dealings. How are you going about loving your neighbour with your finances? Give examples.

3. Honesty isn’t just a moral principle, it is an economic factor. What are some of the challenges you face with honesty in managing your finances?

4. Ps Chee shared, “We don’t just need answers to prayers of provision and job opportunities. We need a lifestyle of submitting to God’s financial wisdom. We need financial discipleship.” Reflect on the way your family has influenced you in your value and management on money. Share your experiences with one another. What kind of discipleship would you need in the area of money?

5. Read 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12. What does this passage say about what stewardship looks like for the giver and the receiver?

6. The Good Samaritan is a parable that shows neighbourly love requires both compassion and financial capacity. There is a difference between longing to be rich vs longing to be productive in

order to bless others. What is a practical next step that you can do to build your financial capacity in order to bless others?

7. Barna research showed five expressions of generosity – hospitality, emotional/relational support, monetary support, volunteering/service, gifts. Which expressions of generosity are you exercising? Give examples.

8. Sow A Seed Campaign is a step towards seeing how Acts 4:32-35 could be actioned. How do you feel about this campaign? What other things could we do as a church community to see this vision of Acts 4 come to pass in a sustainable and attainable way? If you have ideas you want to communicate to the leadership please email with reference – Sow A Seed Ideas.