Foolish or Wise

by Senior Pastor Chee-Seng FAH | But God

SOAR Discussion Questions  |  24 March 2019

But God

One of the most powerful two-word phrases in the Bible is ‘but, God’. This small two-word phrase allows God to change the trajectory of our life. Too many times we look at things through our own eyes and understanding. ‘But God’ tells us to look at things as God sees it. “But, God” stands totally opposed to the negative roar of the world. The world says no — “But, God” says yes! The world says can’t — “But, God” says can! “But, God” is courageous, confident and conclusive! No matter what the situation, no matter what the problem, no matter how bad it may be, “but God” can make it better! “But God” changes everything.


Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-31



  • What do these passages tell us about God? 
  • What do these passages tell us about you and your life?
  • What did you like about this passage? 
  • What was it about this passage that made you uncomfortable?


Paul reminds us of whom we were before God called us.  We were foolish and weak.  We were a ‘nobody’.  But God chose us and turned us into a ‘somebody’.  It was God that made the difference.  Unfortunately, if we are honest, most of the times we still live as if God has no part of our everyday life.  We still live a me-centred life.  This can lead us to build our identity in someone or something other than God. Instead we need to come to terms with our insufficiency and turn to the all-sufficiency of God.  Paradoxically, it is when we begin to live a God-centred life that we truly discover who we really are as we find our identity in God.

Discuss one or more of the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between the world’s & God’s evaluation of those who are wise, influential or noble birth (vs. 26)? How do you feel about being chosen by God and the implications of how you will now live out your life?
  2. How do you feel about being associated with the foolish, weak and low (vs. 26-29)? Share a time when God used you despite your weakness or inadequacy and the lessons you have learnt from this.
  3. Share a ’ . . . But God . . .’ moment in your life and the lessons of faith you have learnt from this experience.
  4. Describe a time when your ego got in the way of your walk with God. What steps can you make to move from a me-centered life to a God-centered life?
  5. How has the study of 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 and the sermon impacted you?
  6. What does it mean to boast in the Lord (vs. 31) and how will this study affect the way you share your faith with others?


  • Is there a truth that God wants you to obey?
  • Is there someone you can share this message with?
  • What is one thing you can do this week in obedience? (I will…)