Embrace is the women’s ministry of Clayton Church of Christ. Our vision to build disciples who represent Jesus to everyone, everywhere, with everything. Our hope is for women amongst us to be able to support and encourage one another to reach our God-given potential and to live it. We envision a sisterhood, a village, embodied by a culture of care and trust, where women can connect and trust one another so we can journey together as sisters in God’s loving family. Embrace is also a place for women to be set free from their past, so that we can embrace our true identity in God. It is a safe place for us to learn, grow and express our God-given gifts. Lastly, Embrace is a place of fun and laughter, where lasting memories are built!
Join Us Online
We organise online events regularly to keep the women connected for support and encouragement during this difficult time.
Watch this space for updates or follow us on Facebook to get the latest details
If you would like to receive informations about these events, please contact us
Upcoming Event
The Women’s Table is a panel that will be made up of women from our church community, all from different stages of life, honestly and openly sharing their experiences and perspectives on various highs and lows in life. Pull up a chair, enjoy a delicious afternoon tea and join the conversation as our panel of women from diverse life stages share openly and honestly about their experiences, discussing the hurdles and victories of everyday life, with a God who is more than able.
Date: Saturday 1 June 2024
Time: 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm (1.45 pm to sign in and grab a cuppa)
Location: Clayton Church
Cost: $15.00
Registration closes on 26 May. This event is suitable for 18-year-olds and over.
Our past events
Blackburn Lake Sanctuary
Saturday, 29 February
For Such a
Kimberly Smith
Saturday, 16 May
weekend – Church wide
fighting back against human trafficking
For Such A Time Like This
Kimberly Smith | 16 May 2020
Permission to Shine
Kimberly Smith | 19 October 2019
Pursuing God’s Purpose For Your Life
Nataliya Osipova | 13 October 2018
Contact Us
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